How and why to move from Windows to Linux
*This blog is dedicated for the hardcore Windows users*
First of all, let’s talk about WHY to move from Windows to Linux :
1 — Better privacy [Windows is known for being one of the biggest data collectors of all time]
2 — More flexibility [You can tweak Linux just about any way you want with absolutely no limitations whatsoever]
3 — Easier on hardware [Depending on which distribution we are talking about, Linux will definitely run smoother than your average Windows OS]
These are three of the most common reasons to switch from Linux as an average Windows user. For instance, programming is much better on Linux (you can do your own research on that). With that said , let’s actually talk about the Linux Architecture.
- Kernel -> the heart of the operating system, which initializes and interfaces with the hardware, schedules tasks and manages memory, and actually allows you to use your system as you normally would.
- Drivers -> Software that interfaces between hardware peripherals, like the network card, graphics card, hard disk, and others, and the kernel, and effectively allows applications to utilize hardware resources.
- Graphical Interface -> What you see on the desktop itself.
- (EXTRA) Applications -> The software that runs on the desktop
This is a basic description of the Linux architecture . Now let me introduce you to desktop environments, something that I am aware you probably haven’t heard of.
- A desktop environment (DE) is a piece of software sustains the graphical interface of a Linux distribution. There are different flavors of desktop environments that are there to help you choose without paying 100 $ like you would on the flat desktop that Windows has. Here are my recommendations for the AVERAGE Windows users.
- KDE Plasma (5.20.5) -> Looks like Windows but in my opinion it has a much better feel to it.
- Cinnamon DE -> Looks a lot like Windows and in my opinion, is the best replica of the Windows desktop. The reason I say that is because it has the same old feel of Windows. It is the default environment for Linux Mint.
From my point of view, these two are the best options for an average Windows user. There are more, and one of my favourite DE (desktop environment) is Gnome . But that does not look like Windows at all so that is why it is not on this list.
Now, you should have a basic understanding of how Linux works ! Let me introduce you now to Linux Distributions :
- A Linux distribution is a unique set containing: kernel, one or more desktop environments, and an application bundle. This is the actual product that you use directly. You use Linux distributions, and inside, they are powered by the Linux kernel.
Common misconception -> Linux is an operating system!
That is 100% WRONG and let me tell you why . So if you remember from earlier, I told you about the Linux Kernel developed by Linus Torvalds. That is the heart of a Linux-Based operating system. So Linux is actually a Kernel, NOT an operating system. People and/or companies have taken the Linux Kernel and developed an operating system with it. They have added supported drivers, graphical interface and applications. And that my friend, completes an operating system. What you think of the “Linux OS” is actually a Linux distro/distribution. Like I said, a Linux distribution is when a person or a company takes either the Linux kernel and starts developing software like the graphical interface for it OR when a person/company takes an already made distribution and tweaks it in such manner that it suits their needs.
Here are the BEST Linux distributions and also their use :
- Debian is an open-source and free general-purpose Linux distribution. Meaning you can use it as a daily driver with no problems at all. The default desktop environments are : Gnome, KDE, Mate and XFCE. Look up these desktop environments to get an idea of how they look like.
- Ubuntu is a Debian-Based Linux distribution that is used by the average person, software developers and companies. It is known for its repository unique system (ppa). It also has a Software Manger ( Something like the Microsoft store but better ).
- Linux Mint is an Ubuntu-Based Linux distro that is used for any purpose . It has everything that Ubuntu has BUT it is easier on the hardware .
- Pop_Os! is an Ubuntu-based Linux distro that is used mainly for software development and gaming. It is by far the best gaming linux distribution for now.
- Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distro that is ONLY used for Ethical Hacking and Info Security. It is used both by professional ethical hackers, and security researchers.
- Parrot OS is a Debian-based Linux distro that is used both for Ethical Hacking, Privacy, Cryptography, Anti-forensics and daily use. There are two flavors of Parrot OS, Parrot Security and Parrot Home. I am currently using Parrot Home because it looks and feels great and it also offers security and privacy tools.
These are just few of the thousands of Linux Distributions out there however I think you can pick your favorite from here. If you are planning to switch from Windows my recommendation is Pop_Os! because not only it can be used for daily activities but is also very powerful for gaming and programming.
I hope this blog helped you understand Linux and might have changed your mind on Windows.
— falken